July 5, 2024

Touch of the future AI hands vector

Rapid development into new technologies is underway at an alarming rate, modern devices are...

Rapid development into new technologies is underway at an alarming rate, modern devices are now specifically designed to interact with us in ways that mimic a real human being, applications such as Siri and Google cast are providing the user with a human-like interaction experience, these companies are creating artificial intelligent machines exhibiting cognitive behavior with human-like intelligence, for a program to be classed as AI it has to pass the Turing test of a British mathematician who worked within the early stages of computer systems, he determined that if 30% of humans who interacted with the Machine believe they were actually interacting with the human being then the computer qualified as AI; AI machinery researchers believe that very soon a singularity will be created a machine that rises beyond human control something uncontrollable and irreversible resulting in catastrophic changes to human civilization; the technological singularity is a hypothetical date at which the machines that were building becomes smarter than we are and begin to accelerate and take on their own evolution going into an exponential rate; scientists used to think we were decades away from achieving the singularity, however recent advancements in artificial intelligence that they thought were decades away have actually come to fruition suggesting that the singularity could in fact be closer than we believe.

There are actually three levels :

  1. artificial narrow intelligence: this is sometimes called weak AI, this is what we’re experiencing in the public right now, virtually everything you do online is utilizing artificial narrow intelligence : when Pandora offers a musical selection for you , when Amazon makes a selection for you this is artificial intelligence at its most basic level; Siri and Alexa are very good examples of artificial intelligence level 1 or narrow intelligence.
  2. General intelligence : this is human level intelligence, the board where machines think like humans were not quite there yet , but every advancement in narrow intelligence is leading to the general intelligence.
  3. Artificial super intelligence : this is the third level and the scary one where machines are either a little bit smarter than humans, or perhaps billions of times smarter than humans and the difference is that they have their own agenda and this is where people start using words like immortality and extinction-level events with artificial intelligence because we don’t know what will happen once machines have this level of intelligence.

Could it be possible that humanity will soon arrive at such scenario ?

This scenario could happen in the not too distant future, some movies like Terminator have already brought closer the eventual catastroph, in the Terminator films for example they decide that the nuclear weapons is much too dangerous to be governed by humans so they invented AI program called Skynet, which is a fictional  neural network meant to automatically coordinate defense strategy and outthink any potential foes … the first two Terminator films which are really the only two good ones are warning us that AI is go to reach this conclusion.

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