July 4, 2024
More than a quarter million jobs were added to the US economy in July 2019 according to ...

More than a quarter million jobs were added to the US economy in July 2019 according to a report from the Bureau of statistics however some states are adding more jobs faster than others. In this article we will look at the top ten States to find a job in America :

Number 10 : South Carolina
This state have benefited from a sighting of an inspector that continues to add jobs with a record of 8.2 percent job growth between 2009 to 2019 and over 150,000 jobs are the most of which are in the homecare and manufacturing sector.

Number 9 : Idaho
Idaho is adding jobs at a steady clip from curve eventful and like much of the country at the height of the housing boom in 2008 and 2009 the biggest gain came in construction. Idaho achieved 8.4 percent job growth between 2016 and 2017 and added about 50,000 jobs mainly in transports utility and health care.

Number 7 : Massachusetts
Massachusetts would robust technology healthcare and education sector on such assets that managed to shake off the worst authorization and bounce back in a big way today Massachusetts has added over 270k jobs between 2009 and 2019

Number 6 : South Dakota
South Dakotans job growth was so steady that the state was suffering a serious walk shooting with nearly 40,000 jobs added between 2009 and 2019

Number 5 : Washington
The home of Microsoft, Amazon and the bones manufacturing operations. Washington State has an economy tailor-made for job creation and it has not disappointed if it expects some of the greatest job gains in the next few years, coming in construction mining and software development between 2009 and 2019.

Number 4 : Colorado
The state expects mining and related occupations will be a major job generator in the next few years for Colorado which had a patent class and job growth and added over 300k of jobs.

Number 3 : Utah
The technology sector has led this state and it shows no sign of letting up with a 17.6% job growth and 250k jobs added between 2009 and 2019.

Number 2 : Texas
Texas with its traditional reliance on energy, created an economy that seems not ready for change with 17.1% job growth and 1.9 million jobs added between 2009 and 2019.

Number 1 : North Dakota
Thanks to shale oil the state had the biggest domestic economic boom since they go crushed with a 24.7% job growth and eighty-seven thousand jobs added between 2009 and 2019.

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