July 2, 2024
There’s a technological revolution on the way, and it’s the 5G revolution. Although some say it is more like an experiment ...

There’s a technological revolution on the way, and it’s the 5G revolution. Although some say it is more like an experiment that will affect billions of people.
The 5G stands for 5th generation mobile services. The internet will be faster than ever, downloading a high definition document or a movie will not even take few seconds.

By 2025 the European Commission is planning for all urban areas across the continent to have seamless 5G coverage. This will enable a new age in the Internet of Things. Smart driverless cars, smart hospitals, smart fridges, smarter IA, coffee makers and even baby diapers.
But what the citizens are not told is that for this to happen, countless new antennas will be added: in our neighbourhoods and our workplaces, even in our homes.

Are mobile communications dangerous? apparently the scientific community is divided about this question! Some experts maintain they are safe. Others don’t. In 2011, the WHO classified electromagnetic fields associated with cellphones as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”! And studies published in 2018 showed that when rats were exposed to such fields it increased their risk of certain types of cancer. Even among those who believe the technology is safe, many admit that more studies are needed!. And for 5G there are almost no studies so far.
Telecom companies themselves have noted that ”Electromagnetic signals may pose health risks” So why are the European Commission and our governments turning a blind eye? They cite guidelines established by transnational scientific bodies. But Investigate Europe has found that these bodies are closed clubs and people with dissenting opinions are not invited in. Besides that a significant number of the scientists involved have received funding from companies with vested interests in the 5G roll-out.

There is no risk-free society. Other things we consume are also relatively bad for our health, from alcohol to junk food. But if you don’t want a hamburger, you can simply avoid hamburgers but with 5G case there is no opt out.

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