July 2, 2024

It’s a familiar scene to see Democrats across the United States these days. Last week, Texas lawmaker Beto O’Rourke was campaigning in New Hampshire, he’s hardly alone in the battling over who will take on Trump for the White House next year.

It’s become a very crowded field. California senator Kamala Harris today for example pledging tougher gun laws:
< < I’m prepared to take executive action because that’s what’s needed > > – Kamala Harris

While South Bend Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg took a more general tack:
< < I am here to build bridges and to tear down walls > > – Pete Buttigieg

But the challenge for Democrats broadly is deciding the best way forward policy ideas or as backers of former Vice President Joe Biden insists is it that voters simply want whoever can sand Trump packing, indeed say many that’s Biden.
< < would vote for Joe Biden because I think he has the best chance of winning the presidency > > – Biden supporter

But after all this time with President Trump the biggest question of all, how many Trump voters from November 2016 will stick with him next time, likewise for that matter senior Republican lawmaker.
Though as it went in a skit on Saturday Night Live last night the answer may well be plenty.

And so it goes, as Trump himself put it last week all those now lining up to take him on:
< < I’ll take any of them, let’s just pick somebody please! and let’s start this thing, let’s start it! pick somebody! > > President Trump

After all you might well have added only 320 days left until the vote.

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