July 4, 2024

Donald Trump has become the third U.S president to be impeached! The Democratic controlled House of Representatives last night, approved two charges, setting up a trial next month in the Senate. The Senate is dominated by Republicans so the president Trump is almost certain to remain in office.
Mr. Trump denies abusing his power and obstructing Congress and says the process is a total witch-hunt.

On an historic night Donald Trump chose to be nowhere near Washington, he’s 600 miles north in Battle Creek and never more ready to do battle as he’s taking to the podium in a perfect split-screen moment, the votes are being counted in the House of Representatives that will impeach him.
The Democratic speaker gives her own members as they started to cheer, solemnity not crowing was the order of the day.

Back in Michigan Donald Trump was given a note about the vote and was ready to unload on the Democrats:

< This lawless partisan impeachment is a political suicide march, for the Democrat Party, have you seen my polls of the last four weeks ? > – President Trump

After last night’s vote the fate of the now impeached president will be decided in the Senate and a trial that almost certainly won’t convict Donald Trump, but when it begins how many witnesses are called who, and how long the trial lasts is still hotly contested. And there was a taste of the battles that lie ahead in the Senate earlier this week:

< Over the last 12 weeks House Democrats have conducted the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history > – Senator Mitch McConnell

< Leader McConnell’s 30-minute partisan stem-winder, contained hardly a single defense of the President of the United States on the merits, almost none defended President Trump because they can’t> – Mick Schumer

Yesterday, in the Oval Office, a consolation prize. A Democratic congressman who’s switching sides. Donald Trump though still angry.

< Well I don’t feel like I’m being impeached, because it’s a hoax it’s a setup it’s a horrible thing they did > President Trump

The impeachment articles have to be handed to the Senate but the Democratic speaker is refusing to do so until she receives assurances about how the trial will be conducted. The partisan gridlock continues.

Ben for Hufnews

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