July 2, 2024

Spaceships lasers, light sabers, robot and holograms. The Star Wars universe seems completely out of this world, but is it?? Here are five Star Wars technologies that actually do exist:

Laser guns : While handheld laser weapons like Han Solo’s blaster and these turrets on the Millennium Falcon may be way off, the US Navy is actually developing a laser weapon to hit drones with one prototype already operational aboard the USS Ponce, however you may be disappointed to learn that the laser doesn’t emit any beam of visible light, you only know it’s working when you see the targets burn up. trials have proved successful, and the Navy plans to deploy the weapon across its fleet by the year 2020.

Brain controlled prosthetics : Luke’s prosthetic hand looks cool but could it actually be real?? well, engineers at John Hopkins University have developed a robotic arm that can receive commands from the human nervous system. The arm has 26 joints and can carry up to 45 pounds. There are now 10 functioning robotic arms of this type that have been built. And a message to the fathers out there if you’re thinking about cutting off your son’s hand or arm, we want you to reconsider these things come with a whopping price tag of $500,000.

The hovercraft : Like the idea of Luke’s speeder, well the hovercrafts have actually existed since the 1950s, the vehicles work by blowing compressed air out of an air cushion under the craft, this allows it to hover above the ground of a crafter all-terrain vehicles with the ability to travel across sand, mud, snow, or even water. These hovercrafts have both civilian and military uses, the large hovercraft can carry hundreds of people and cars. Used to run services across the English Channel small crafts have been used for racing. Besides that, both the British and the US military used the hovercrafts in combat zones including Iraq.

Androids : Our favorite Android c-3po a protocol droid designed to serve human beings, joined in six million forms of communication, nothing like that could exist right?? well, no.
Rashi ishiguro at Osaka University in Japan has been developing robots for over 20 years, and his result are both lifelike and disturbing at the same time. One of his robots called C-creepyo. It may not be six million forms of communication but this droid can recite any news report gathered from around the world in a variety of languages, 24 hours per day.

Holograms : since Princess Leia first appeared as a hologram projected by r2d2 in Star Wars people have been asking if they could have a similar technology. Well, this is now becoming a reality. Holograms shot to the headlines in 2012 when a holographic Tupac Shakur appeared alongside dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg at Coachella. So this type of holographic technology is becoming increasingly mainstream.

So it turns out that most of the stuff from Star Wars can be real. But at least the force is just some mystical hocus-pocus! but even something like that might be real too.

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