July 2, 2024

Video games! This new trend ! The estimates are that the gamers will have spent over one hundred and fifty two billion dollars on video games this year alone, which sounds like a big number. This video game boom is a big boom, it’s been pushed a lot by the mobile and the smartphone usage and of course consoles are back, this year Nintendo’s done a great job with Switch, but next year is gonna be a big year with Xbox and Playstation with their brand new consoles. People are gearing up for that, but the other thing that people should be looking at as well as the eSports, they cross 1.1 billion in eSports last year and that’s probably the biggest growing segment in the market such, there was debates in a little while now about whether some players bein gamers or athletes.

That the United States next year supposedly is going to overtake China in global gaming and the reason, was interesting, because we don’t see many headlines in that direction often, we usually hear that China is gonna to overtake the US in many domains, but in the gaming arena has some new rules that regulates what’s allowed and what’s not allowed but the this console growth in the United States is a big big story and we assume it will be next year again.

This is actually interesting because we usually think console growth was gonna slow down, the PC market was going to pick up, the mobile market was going to pick up, but everything grew at the same time. So it seems to be interesting that people are switching between modes, switch on the Nintendo side is a great example we are watching our kids literally play in their hands and then suddenly pop it into the TV and then walk off and play with each other, and so we’re seeing that happen, these mixed modes are actually picking up but consoles for two reasons picking up in the US that drives the growth but put in comparison a pack is double the size of the United States.

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