July 7, 2024

< ..The biggest mystery of the new year is slowly being revealed. Today we’re learning new details on how Carlos ghosn escaped from his supposedly ironclad detention in his Tokyo apartment, to end up in his luxury home over in Beirut.
It’s an incredible! there’s a great irony here too and that is when Carlos ghosn saved nissan years ago, he was depicted in Japanese comic books as this hero and now maybe we’ll see comic books where he’s the villain with this daring escape out of Japan smuggling out in a box possibly and then getting on a private jet to Turkey and then eventually to Lebanon. But it gets even better because we got this former Green Beret with American international security system helped Ghosn going out of the country by passing the Japanese security. We are not sure if he wasn’t even wearing an ankle bracelet. Ghosn got on a bullet train for Osaka in full view wearing nothing but the kind of masks every one wear in Japan to avoid getting a cold or catching the flu or something like that, and then he was eventually smuggled out of the country but it really is an unbelievable story.

Apparently there was some hole in the security because they went to a small private Airport outside of Osaka and they basically didn’t do x-rays on really big boxes as we understand and apparently he was in some large box we think was maybe for audio equipment or speakers or something like that but it was too big for their scanners and the security people probably thinly staffed because it was around New Year’s when things kind of shut down in Japan didn’t give it much of a look and out he went so this is a pretty big embarrassment for the Japanese authorities.

For Mr Kelly, Ghosn’s assistantin Japan, it looks like he’s the guy who’s probably got the really worst end of this from everybody involved because he’s stuck in Japan he doesn’t have the security firm to help him and the Japanese will now be probably trip security on him he’ll be under constant surveillance we would assume and he’s going to have a really impossible time getting out. And in the meantime Wednesday we guess mr. ghosn is gonna hold some kind of a news conference over at Beirut and talk about all this. he’s eager at a parent appears to really lay out exactly.

Ghosn has maintained all along that he’s innocent of the charges but also that this was a conspiracy cooked up by Japanese executives at Nissan who didn’t want the full merger between Renault and Nissan, and that he was pushing for that part there’s a lot of truth to because when we’re gonna actually broken the story they’d go and had really pushed to merge the two companies completely and shortly after that cycle the past CEO was publicly saying that it wasn’t time for that we know there was opposition to the merger and that whole summer after all this is when they started building the case and eventually gone was arrested now he’s gonna have to prove he’s innocent of these charges and there the Japanese have released quite a bit of evidence against him but he hasn’t had a chance to speak either so we will get Carlos Ghosn’s side of the story on what happened with underreporting his income and and these other investment vehicles that they say were illegal…>

From an interview with HufNews’s correspondant.

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