July 7, 2024

Iran said it. they shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane at crash near Tehran on Wednesday. All 176 people on board were killed nearly 60 victims were Canadian citizens, and prime minister Justin Trudeau says he expects full cooperation from the Iranian authorities. On Twitter, Iranian president Hassan rouhani has offered his condolences to the victims.

Iran had previously rejected claims it shot down the Ukraine International Airlines flight PS 752. On Wednesday Western leaders said the plane had been hit by a missile. Iran repeatedly denied, now Iran says it was behind the crash and blamed human error. Iran’s Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif posted his message of condolence to the victims on Twitter, <..a sad day..> he said, offering Iran’s profound regrets apologies and condolences to the families of all victims, and to other affected nations. The crash came in the middle of high tensions with the US, and days after threats of strikes against Iranian targets following the killing in Iraq of Iran’s top military commander Qassem Soleimani. Iran’s president Hassan rouhani said the human error came at a time of crisis caused by the United States’s adventurism. Rohani posted a tweet on Twitter and said an investigation had concluded that regrettably missiles were fired, and that investigations will continue to identify and prosecute those behind this great tragedy, and unforgivable mistake.

The plane was hit just after taking off from Tehran Airport while 176 people on board were killed. Four days Iran denied any involvement in the crash and said that an aviation authority cannot speculate and that they have to be certain of the things they say and causes aren’t sure of yet, but as they said they can say for certain is that a missile did not strike the plane.
Many of those on board were Canadian and in a press conference Canada’s foreign minister vowed to get answers as to what had happened whilst this admission of responsibility will provide some relief for the victims families, it’s unlikely it’ll ease the political tension between Iran and the West.

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