July 7, 2024

Just one day before CNN will host the final Democratic Party primary, before the Iowa caucus, it happened to conveniently stumble upon a controversial news story, about a thing that Bernie Sanders reportedly said. Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in private in a 2018 meeting that a woman can’t win the Presidency. Sources say that the context is unclear, is he saying that a woman is incompetent enough to win, or he’s saying that a woman will have a more difficult path to the White House, because there’s a lot of sexism an anti woman bias. So far we don’t know about the full context. Bernie Sanders’s campaign manager said that it doesn’t really matter, because CNN wants everyone to believe that Bernie Sanders was being brazenly sexist.
On Wednesday morning, CNN’s correspondant, Anderson Cooper released an audio of the conversation between Senator Sanders and Elizabeth warren.

“I think you called me a liar on national TV” Warren said to Sanders.

“Let’s not do it right now,” Senator Sanders responded. “You called me a liar.”

According to CNN, the description of the 2018 meeting is based on the accounts of four people, two people Warren spoke with directly soon after the encounter, and two people familiar with a meeting. ” Anonymous sources, how convenient ” Said Sander’s campaign manager.

Many people said they don’t believe this. Because those four anonymous sources as a matter of fact were not in the room when Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren had this conversation. furthermore many don’t believe it, because it flies in the face of everything that Bernie Sanders has been saying.

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