October 5, 2024

Profile view of concentrated Asian microbiologist examining sample with help of modern microscope while wrapped up in work at dim laboratory

A total of six cases confirmed so far in the United States and at least 170 people have ...

This week marks week 4 (since December 31, 2019 when the first people infected with the disease):

A total of six cases confirmed so far in the United States and at least 240 people have died and more than 17,000 cases have been confirmed as the virus continues to spread mainly in Asia and the rest of the world. An the WHO Organization has already declared an international public health emergency.

The good news is that experts have already started manufacturing a potential vaccine against the fast-spreading coronavirus.

A few existing drugs might help save lives in the meantime, in this regard there is two ways:

  1. Antivirals: That reduce the ability of Coronavirus to multiply, which are usually simple to manufacture, and can be taken in pill form. But viruses use the host’s cells to replicate. This makes it difficult to find targets for the drug that would interfere with the virus without also harming the host organism’s cells.
  2. Using the same weapons our bodies use : Antibodies are large proteins produced mainly by plasma cells that are used by the immune system to neutralize pathogenic bacteria and viruses, they’re crucial for vaccine-mediated protection against viral diseases.

The first time someone is infected by a virus, it may take the immune system up to two weeks to make an antibody blueprint and to produce enough of specific antibodies to fight the infection.

This means Experts should be able to find safe and effective antibodies against coronavirus very quickly.

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