July 5, 2024

Pinterest Founded in March 2010, and has quickly become one of the most important social networks, especially among women, who make up the majority of users. The promising social network allows individuals to organize images and videos in custom collections, called “tables.” Pinterest is more geared towards social discovery than other social networks.

Users can create tables and pin pictures, showing their inspirations as their favorite products, and allowing to navigate public pins and tables created by other users. Pinterest can offer considerable value to businesses looking for a simple tool that effectively attracts customers.
Brands have the opportunity to know the interests and passions of their community. They can register as a business account for a better access to insights and ideas, as well as take advantage of features such as sponsored pins and purchasable pins. Brands can also create visually captivating paintings that speak to their audience by promoting products, promoting corporate culture and sharing content related to the lifestyle of their community.

Users can easily interact with brands by posting, commenting or liking their content. The Rich Pins feature, can be used to present additional information, including details about products, recipes and locations. Adding “Pin it” buttons to your business website allows Pinterest users to instantly pin your images without leaving your site. This allows users to easily share your images and redirect traffic to your website from Pinterest. When a user re-pins a message on a brand’s Pinterest page, they instantly share that content with all of their subscribers.

Thanks to the excellent search functions of Pinterest, the images you share remain relevant for longer and can be discovered by users at any time.

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