July 2, 2024

Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk unveiled a plan to repurpose Tesla vehicles into robotaxis. In HufNews’s today article you’ll learn how the program would work.

Tesla’s autonomous investor day, the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk unveiled plans to roll out 1 million Robo taxis by 2021. Described as a cross between uber and airbnb, the service will allow Tesla owners to rent out their autonomous cars as taxis when they’re not using them. Effectively making some cash on the side Robo taxis can essentially be any Tesla vehicle with autonomous driving functionality.

<< ..If you own a Tesla car, you can add or subtract it to the Tesla Network and take 25 or 30 percent of the revenue, and then in places where there aren’t enough people sharing their cars we would just have dedicated Tesla vehicles. so when you use the car we’ll show you our ride sharing app to able to summon the car from the parking lot, get in and go for a drive. It’s really simple, you just take the same Tesla app that you currently have, update the app and add us summin Tesla, or commit your car to the fleet..>> Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla.

Elon suggested an alternative use for the car then sitting in the driveway or work parking lot,

<< ..Typically the use of a car is about 10 to 12 hours a week, so most people will drive one and a half to two hours a day but if you have a car that can operate autonomously then most likely you could probably you most likely have that car operate for a third of the week or longer …>> Elon Musk

With additional wear on the car due to extended use, it can cause one question how long will these Robo taxis last??

<< …So the current cost of model three, Robo taxi is less than $38,000 we expect that number to improve over time, the entire vehicle battery pack inclusive is designed to operate for a million miles with minimal maintenance you won’t need steering wheels or pedals and will just delete those as these things become less and less important we’ll just delete parts, they won’t be there …>>

Elon predicts that the rise in Robo taxis would cost less than current rideshare apps,

<< …The cost of ride-sharing is according to Uber is two to three dollars a mile, the costs to run a Robo taxi we think less than eighteen cents a mile …>> Elon Musk

As for making money with your Robo taxi as an owner,

<< …We think probably something on the order of $30,000 per year. By the middle of next year we’ll have over a million Tesla cars on the road with full self-driving Hardware feature complete at a reliably level that we would consider that no one needs to pay attention meaning you could go to sleep in your room. From our standpoint maybe a year, maybe a year and three months, for sure we will have over a million Robo taxis on the road!. >> Elon Musk.

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