July 2, 2024

Recently in an interview, the CEO of Apple Tim Cook said cars are an area ripe for disruption. Tim talked about the importance of apple not missing out on autonomous cars.

Apple thinks there is a major disruption looming there, not only for self-driving cars but also the electrification piece. if we have driven an all-electric car it’s actually a marvelous experience, and it’s a marvelous experience not to stop at the filling station or gas station, whatever we want to call it, and plus we have ride-sharing on top of this right and so we got kind of three vectors of change happening generally in the same timeframe

Tim Cook said Apple is focusing on autonomous systems, and clearly one purpose of autonomous systems is self-driving cars there are others and we sort of see it as the mother of all AI projects. It’s probably one of the most difficult AI projects actually to work on and so autonomy is something that’s incredibly exciting for Apple.

< .. we’ll see where it takes us, we’re not really saying from a product point of view what we will do, but we are being straightforward that it’s a core technology that we view is very important vectors of change happening, generally in the same timeframe and so as we look at it in what we’re focusing on, what we’ve talked about focusing on publicly is we’re focusing on autonomous systems ..> Tim Cook, The CEO of Apple

Clearly from Tim Cook’s words, Apple’s purpose of autonomous systems is self-driving cars, and as we know there are other companies working on this project. And we sort of see it as the mother of AI projects.

Apples think then that there is a major disruption when they’re not only experienced not to stop at the filling station or gas station or whatever we want to call it, plus we have ride-sharing on top of this, and so we got kind of four self-driving cars but also the electrification piece if we have driven an all-electric car, it’s actually a marvelous experience.

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