July 7, 2024
Twitter Will Block Links That Promote Hatred And Violence

Today’s topic is the platform Twitter, among us there is prolific Twitter users, or sometimes just a Twitter lurkers, we all do it. We know what that’s like, actually Twitter is helping us out with that. For new users on Twitter stuff to look forward to in 2020 is a topical discussion model, they’re gonna run you through some filters, give you some options, what do you want to see, what do you not want to see, and they’re really trying to keep spam to a minimum.

For those of us who’ve been on the platform for over a decade, at this point they’ll give us some options, where we can start to trim out more or less things in our feed.
Speaking of trimming things down and keeping things focused let’s talk about narrowcast tweets, that’s something we’re looking forward to for next year (2021), what they’re gonna do is we’re gonna allow you to remove the retweet function something they do on tik-tok, you can’t do it, it you can’t share it, Twitter is gonna bring that in, where you can say; look I want to be the only person to have said this thing and nobody else gets to use my words so no retweet will be optional.
you can really restrict the audience even to a hashtag. If someone for example is following hashtag San Diego, then everybody who tweets hashtag changing San Diego gets that tweet so be looking forward to that as well and see what functionality we get out of that narrow.

Casting some things are bringing in next year, they will start bringing in tweet streaming, where they allow you to livestream video directly into the Twitter feed, they’re really hoping people will use that with live tweeting so that you can show something, having a conversation going about the same time, and keep everybody engaged in one place at one time and really see real world stuff unfolding all at once.

Users really started seeing a lot of stuff happening as Twitter was cape well back in the Occupy Wall Street days so we really looking forward to see what’s going to happen, now globally speaking it sort of opens up the door to let us see and hear from each other a little bit more, clearly so new conversational features are coming up as well for 2020, either testing out some stuff it’s just in beta right now and even the web app and the mobile app look different, one of them looks a little bit like reddit one of it looks a little bit less like texting on your phone. But they’re going away from just one on one DMs maybe and into more of a conversational mode. If you get into a conversation with a couple people through a tweet thread maybe you can then pull off onto the side and say hey let’s talk a little bit more about this but not out in the wide open, it’s not like the trolls are gonna hop on and ruin the convo so we’re looking forward to that as well.

Last but not least, Twitter still trying to figure out what they’re gonna do with political ads, that’s still a lot of great areas there’s organizations trying to come in and circumvent the rules right now so we’re gonna see a little more tightening down on those as well.

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