July 7, 2024

So what’s going to happen in 2020, so firstly we’ve seen a ton of consolidation this year we’re going to see more next year there’s about at least 75 front-end benders in the space, and the reality is that they can all survive in the market as it is today, so if it’s not being there not being sucked up by large mega vendors they’re gonna be rollup strategies by VCS, pluck all the ones dealing with financial analytics example roll them up into single, into the marketing analytics roll them all up in a single interview. So we’ll see a lot more of that the second area we’ll see a lot more of packaged applications.

Again we’re seeing system integrators consulting firms who are wanting to own a bigger piece of the analytics space and they want to combine data science models, and they want to combine a variety of data sources, they want to take that to the market with their own deep knowledge about particular verticals, and sell those as packaged applications.

This year (2020), we’re going to see a lot more of that as a result and gently and very close to that is also the rise of analytics software that’s not being sold as analytic software which is a really good example that would be gainsight whoo CSM so customer management space they’re fundamentally selling dashboards but they’re not packaging themselves as the dashboard, so they’re doing data integration they do all these things analytics not as analytics but someone who’s got great knowledge about a particular space building out of data-driven product for that space and selling it as something else.

We’re gonna see a lot of swap out of legacy bi SIP is just end-of-life business objects, we’re gonna see a lot of customers going to be wanting to move off business objects they have to migrate anyway and they’re going to open up and look at the mark and say you know how do we migrate how do we modernize what alternatives are they apart from being locked into the ASAP analytics cloud solution.

And the very last one action analytics we think we’re going to see is about the shift, and this is anyone who’s doing package analytics, it’s going to be doing this, building actions into dashboards so rather than just steering a set of numbers on a page people are going to go and take a workflow approach that says now that I’ve got the day now that I know what people need to be doing how do we drive action through the dashboards that we’re delivering to those users and those are the five things that we think we’re going to see a lot more of next year.

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