July 7, 2024

Apple has officially gone to the dark side! the company announced future software updates at its annual Developers Conference Monday, including a new dark mode that will come with iOS 14 that means apps like iMessage and calendar will have a darker appearance, meant to be easier on the eyes than a bright background.

The Mac Pro desktop is also getting a makeover, it’ll have a new tower look and more horsepower and cost roughly six thousand dollars! that’s in addition to overhauling the iPad, which will work on a separate operating system. ipad OS apple says that’ll make it easier to multitask type scroll and share files.

Apples smartwatches branching out even further the Apple watch will have its own App Store and health updates will allow users to track hearing loss and menstrual cycles.
The company is making it clear that it’s still focused on the issue of data privacy. A new sign-in feature will let users log into apps and services with face ID instead of by providing personal information.

The future of Apple music on iTunes is not one app but three, finally say RIP to iTunes, Apple’s replacing it with three separate desktop apps for music podcast and TV. That’s a move, it’s been hinting at by pushing users toward its Apple music subscription service along with those major feature updates.

And for the Apple TV home screen and maps app, it will see major upgrades. the next version of iOS is expected to be launched with the new iPhone this fall.

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