July 7, 2024

When it comes to smartphones, usually the choice is between Android or iOS. Do you go with Google’s more open operating system ? or do you go with Apple’s slicker, but maybe slightly more closed system ?. Well, now you might not need to decide at all thanks to a hack that lets you run Android on an iPhone that was created by a startup called KARELIAN who are currently being sued by Apple because of their tools, which let you create software only versions of the iPhone that makes the timing of this hack that a little bit more interesting and a little bit cheeky.

For now this won’t work on the latest iPhone models, that’s because it relies on something called a jailbreak and in this case the jailbreak known as check-rein only works on models from iPhone 5s through to iPhone 10 or X there’s also the risk that jailbreaking might open up your iPhone to more attacks so you want to consider whether this is for you at all but you will be able to try this out soon, though we only tried the beta version of the heck it’ll be available from a website called Projectsandcastle.org pretty soon, so it will be fun to see how Apple fanboys and Android lovers will react not to mention how well Apple takes the news!

M.Ben For HufNews – Apple And Android Departement.

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