September 20, 2024

Today in HufNews’s Gadgets departement we are going to show you two cool devices that are very useful and this time with the coronavirus out there and so we can protect ourselves by checking our polls for example with :

The new pulse oximeter, what it does is that it looks for your blood colors using lights and optics and it can tell how much oxygen levels you have which is really important most of the cases with the corona virus have pneumonia which lowers the oxygen saturation on our blood and so with this device it might say it’s a little bit of times but it’s gonna tell you exactly a percentage of how good your oxygen level. Normally a good healthy person need to have between ninety five to a hundred, the higher the better. But if you are below the ninety you might be needing to check with a doctor it tells you also your heart rates which is really cool information and we do really like this device so far, it’s really affordable, it costs about fourteen dollars (14 $) on Amazon.

The next device is the thermometer : it can be a are really useful. thermometers come in a lot of shapes, like a family thermometer so you can have multiple people that can use it and you can use this on your skin forehead anywhere and on any surface. this deice can give you a reading using infrared for example. Now we that our temperature we know that we can send it to our phone
and assign it to our account so we can keep track our heats and our temperature. Some of the thermometers have a touch pad so you can use it to select the name and just select which account or person is gonna be using it.

These are the two devices we recommend buying and if you guys have any question let us know. make sure you follow HufNews on social media, the buttons are below. That’s it for me and I’ll see you in the article.

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