September 20, 2024

As the CoronaVirus Covid-19 outbreak in the world, singapore’s government have decided to use a mobile app to help with the task of finding closed contact of infected persons and they want the population to play a part.

So it’s pretty simple to download the app find TraceTogether from the App Store or Google Play Store, enter your number key in the one-time password and consent to your mobile number being stored in a secure registry then, ensure bluetooth and push notifications are switched on iPhone, users also need to keep the app running for it to work.




How the app works? the first thing the app do is that she attaches a random ID to your mobile number, it then uses Bluetooth to detect other users who come within 2 to 5 meters of view and record staring them IDs internally, now if for instance your relative have tested positive for CoronaVirus Covid-19, the app will contact me with a code for me to send my app locks over, they will then be able to decrypt the random IDs to determine the mobile numbers of my close contacts.

Now this really helps as we don’t have to rely on our memory to figure out who we’ve met over the course of the past few weeks, this also makes the process faster and more accurate, now authorities have inserted multiple measures to protect users privacy and personal data, for status usage of this app is voluntary and there are no plans to make it mandatory. Most importantly the app only collects your mobile number and nothing else not even your name and location data, furthermore the app is the only authority that will be able to decrypt the random IDs and match them to specific mobile numbers.

Now you might ask what’s in it for HufNews, well, the government have said that the app will help protect yourself because authorities will be able to contact you quicker if you have been in close contact with an infected person, it also helps protect your loved ones and because it will help minimize the spread of the virus and make things easier for contact tracers.


M.Ben For HufNews – Mobile Apps Departement.

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