September 20, 2024

If a business actually wants to make money, they are investing in a Interpretable Machine Learning (IML) and deep learning, and data science, period. And that means they’re also trying to find, hire, and retain data scientists, but now those companies are running into a problem. Data scientists are unicorns and they’re unicorns because the real ones are very hard to find and they’re expensive.

Anyone can simply change their title on LinkedIn to data scientist, but those are typically fake data scientists they’re fake unicorns but the real data scientists are freaking legit they can program in code, they understand math and statistics, and they understand the underlying business of their company, so this data scientist unicorn problem is why data robot was founded and why they’ve raised over a quarter billion dollars.
DataRobot believes that the global demand for machine learning and AI solutions exceeds the production capacity of all the data scientists in the world, so data robot found a way to magically create more real data scientists.

DataRobot created a software that products, called automated machine learning. This is a software that helps companies turn their HR folks sales and marketing folks etc, into real data scientists, we mean that’s data robots insight they believe that the ideal data scientists are actually the existing employees of a company, they just needed to be armed with better software and tools.

Now, automated machine learning can be purchased in multiple ways either a fully managed SAS offering or via the AWS marketplace, or maybe the old-timers out there just want to purchase it, to run on standalone physical servers, it’s all good we don’t judge! and we don’t judge because it doesn’t matter how that software is delivered; all that matters is two things first that a company decides if it wants to become an AI driven enterprise and be profitable, and second that a company realizes that the data scientists they seek are actually right there in front of them already, they just need data robot to make it all happen.

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