July 7, 2024

While working from home, the phone is the most convenient way to use for work, because it is easy to carry in addition to that, it has many other advantages that you can rely on to carry out meetings and communications and everything related to incoming calls regarding your work. But things have been done and must be taken into consideration to ensure privacy and confidentiality of everything related to the field in which you work.

In today HufNews’s article we will put in your hands advices that you should take seriously to ensure the protection of your privacy while working from home using your smartphone.

Consider using a good anti-virus program.

Viruses or malware are basically malicious programs that are programmed by an experienced hacker, but their unethical goals make them program programs to violate privacy. The user Without realizing the future risks can download a malicious file, that will result to fall victim to this malware, an antivirus must be used in order to help you analyze and detect anything unusual in order to be able to do the necessary procedures and measures in case you got a virus on your phone.

Using the VPN service

A VPN is already been explained in a lot of previous articles on HufNews, but the reason behind repeating it is that it is a service that carries many advantages. A VPN is a service based on encrypting mobile data over the network which makes it difficult to intrude on it by the third party.

Don’t trust links!

Clicking on any link attached to a mail can contain huge risks, it can harm you because you basically do not know the intentions of who sent you this link in one hand, on the other hand you do not know the consequences that will come when you Click on the link, you may lose some of your personal data or simply get your data encrypted.

Download apps from official stores

It has become easy to get applications with terrible advantages from external stores other than the official stores (the official store supported on the system Android: Play Store / Official store supported by the IOS system: App Store), when you download these apps from external stores you can get applications with some malware hiding in them. So always be sure to download apps from official stores.

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