October 6, 2024
That is the kind of questions that are answered on the web that are presented to us today, an online calculator that has analyzed winds of variables to know in detail what it costs to live in various cities of the world.

If you live in Dubai and earn 40,000 dollars a year, and are thinking of moving to London… will you spend more or less to maintain the same standard of living?

That is the kind of questions that are answered on the web that are presented to us today, an online calculator that has analyzed winds of variables to know in detail what it costs to live in various cities of the world.

We just have to get into getwanted.com and put the city we live in and what we earn each year. Then we will indicate the city in which we want to live, and tell us if we will have to earn more or less.

The report specifies whether transport, rent, food and so on is more expensive or cheaper, and how much is the difference.

It is similar to what we saw four years ago with a calculator that told us what it cost to live in every city in the world, but in this case it does not offer so much information and goes more to the point.

Of course, we can calculate how much it costs to live in one city or another within the same country, something that will become fashionable when mass teleworking becomes a reality.

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