July 7, 2024

After the problems that occurred with Twitter about his tweets about the American elections and then the protests of the United States of America, this time the American president Donald Trump finds himself facing Facebook

US President Donald Trump signed an executive decree at the end of last month aimed at limiting the protection enjoyed by social media platforms regarding content and publishing, a decision that appears to be targeting Twitter against the backdrop of the recent conflict between the two sides. In the same time Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO and the founder of Facebook said that he was against the steps taken by Twitter against Trump, which sparked a lot of anger against him at the time.

But this time, it was Facebook that stood against US President Donald Trump, after he deleted a number of posts related to the US President’s election campaign.

A post of Trump on Facebook was deleted due to the use of a bizarre photos which is a red inverted triangle, which was considered by the social networking site to be a referral On one of the symbols that Germany used to Nazism during the Second world War as an expression of left-wing opponents who were arrested and imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps.

This symbol was used by Donald Trump’s campaign in the context of criticizing US leftist organizations opposed to the president in the context of recent protests, and Facebook said that these symbols and photos violate their terms of use.

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