September 19, 2024
A Web Application That Will Help You With Writing When You Run Out Of Inspiration 2
Prompts is a web application designed for those users who are afraid of the blank page or suffer a creative block.

Prompts is a web application designed for those users who are afraid of the blank page or suffer a creative block.

It won’t give you tips on getting inspiration, but it will give you a little push to get your mind up and running.

You will see that it has a minimalist interface and a number of options. It does not have editing tools, as that is not its purpose. Its dynamic is based on presenting ideas (some crazy and crazy) taken from the r/WritingPrompts subreddit.

He’ll show you one or two sentences as if they were the beginning of a story. From there, you can continue the idea by writing what you can think of or improvise your own story. It works like writing exercises, but without pressure.

If you don’t like the story presented by Prompts, you can request another idea from the ” Get Another Prompts” option. You can skip stories as many times as you want until you find one you like. And following that dynamic, you can set write periods using the application’s temporalizer.

Or you can use the temporalizer to create your own challenges and see how much you can write in a given period of time. A detail to keep in mind is that nothing you write is saved in Prompts, since you don’t create an account, you simply use it as if it were any website.

So if you want to keep what you have written in the app you will have to export it. You can simply copy and paste, or use the app’s option to export it as a text file. And if it has only been a hobby to exercise writing and you don’t want to keep it, close the app and you’re done.

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