September 19, 2024

Before we start, and just as a note to this version, it is still in development and experience.

The world of Minecraft Classic is still supposed to have many tools and features available on the full version of Minecraft, but we will not deny that you will get an initial fun experience for the version of Minecraft Classic.

Steps to run Classic Minecraft on a browser

First, open the link on the browser :


Then wait for the page to load on the browser, then you will see some fields on the game interface, as in the image below.

The selection shown at red level below is an option for the sharing link, through which you can check in a team playing experience with your friends, just click on the copy button so that you can copy it and then share it with friends.

As for the second option, you have to enter a player’s name to distinguish. Then click on the “Start” button until the game starts.

And don’t forget, as soon as the game starts, you press the F11 button on the keyboard until you get a full screen display of the game, and this increases the fun of the experience.

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