October 5, 2024

It seems that the Indo-Chinese conflict that led to the banning of dozens of Chinese applications in India, foremost of which is Tik Tok. And apparently Instagram will be the first beneficiary of it, especially if we know the great popularity enjoyed by Instagram and the fact that India is one of the most important global markets with hundreds of millions of Users.

The Indian authorities, through the communications minister of the Indian government, had referred to the decision not to allow the use of certain Chinese applications, headed by Tik Tok, WeChat and Weibo, and the government says that this decision aims to guarantee the security and sovereignty of the Indian cyberspace, as the Indian minister indicated that this Applications engage in activities that harm the sovereignty and safety of India, state security and public order.

The Tik Tok has been exposed to a report campaign during the past weeks that caused it to obtain millions of negative reviews on the Play Store due to a conflict between a number of “influencers” on the Tik Tok platform and a number of content makers on the YouTube video platform in India.

It is clear that Instagram will be the main beneficiary of the ban on Tik Tok in India, where it launched a few days ago Reels feature to compete the Chinese video application, and the new feature will be integrated into the Instagram application and exactly in the camera, as this type of content will be able to appear directly on the home page, and users can view it, as it will be viewable on the Explorer corner.

Instagram had already begun testing the Reels feature in India, and a Facebook spokesperson told the media that the company would be circulating this feature more widely in the coming days.

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