September 19, 2024

If you come across and hear the word pintum4, what will you think of? Indeed, you will remember that old-fashioned desktop computer, which was a revolution in its time, and we will not deny that he was credited with helping us learning many skills, and connecting us to the world of the Internet. But with the shift witnessed by the means of communication, both in terms of performance and also at the level of appropriateness of size, this type of computers was gradually abandoned as it is somewhat heavy and restricted by the location of the office.

So, which operating systems can run old-style computers?

In the following list you’ll find a list of Linux operating systems that can run old computers efficiently.

  1. The Puppy Linux distribution
  2. Lubuntu distribution
  3. Alpine distribution
  4. A fedora distribution 13 and 14
  5. Ubuntu-10 distribution

These are just examples of distributions suggested by HufNews’s OSs departement. There are many distributions on the Internet. In conclusion, HufNews strives to provide you with everything useful, so we hope to hear about your projects that have achieved successes and be certain that we will be very happy with your accomplishments.” And good luck to everyone.

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