September 17, 2024
Garmin Confirms Victim Of Ransomware Cyberattack
Users of Garming devices have been affected since last Thursday by the cyberattack suffered on the company’s infrastructures that support their online services, caused by the WastedLocker ransomware, as confirmed by BleepingComputer.

Users of Garming devices have been affected since last Thursday by the cyberattack suffered on the company’s infrastructures that support their online services, caused by the WastedLocker ransomware, as confirmed by BleepingComputer.

At first it was thought that this was a drop in services, in which the company has been alluding to a simple maintenance operation, as it has been announcing on its social networks.

But nothing could be further from the truth, since in the end it was a cyberattack by ransomware, as rumors have been pointing out, in which it was made known unofficially that the attack consisted of encrypting the data of some of the company’s systems, with Garmin being required to pay $10 million for the decryption of those systems, information the company has not been able to confirm.

Garmin tries to recover slowly until trying to restore normality in all its services over the next few days, where in fact, some of the applications are starting to work again, as is the case with Connect.

As they have just announced, not only do they now confirm that they have been the victims of an external attack, but in their investigations they have found no indication that users’ data has been affected, including Garmin Pay’s payment information.

They point out that during the attack, many of their services, including functions of their website, customer support, applications for customers and company communications, have been affected, not the integrated functions in Garmin products, except the ability to access online services.

For now, the affected systems are gradually regaining normality, although the company recognizes the possibility of delays in synchronizing the data of the devices with the affected services.

In addition, they point out that the interruption generated by the attack will not have an impact on their operations or financial results, where in fact, the return of the affected services is being reflected in the recovery of their stock value to that existing before the attack.

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