July 15, 2024


If you’ve had trouble getting into Gmail or other Google ecosystem products in the early hours of the day, don’t panic. The problem does not come from the state of your device or your Internet connection, although in the first instance a warning appears on your screen that accuses such motive after the fall. Rather, the problem comes directly from the origin of these services.

If you’ve had trouble getting into Gmail or other Google ecosystem products in the early hours of the day, don’t panic. The problem does not come from the state of your device or your Internet connection, although in the first instance a warning appears on your screen that accuses such motive after the fall. Rather, the problem comes directly from the origin of these services.

There are eight products of this Internet giant that were part of this interruption, which has aroused the surprise and discomfort of many of its users, which has not taken long to manifest through social networks.

Gmail, Google Drive, Google Documents, Google Groups, Google Chat, Google Meet, Google Keep and Google Voice are the services affected by this drop. Given the relevance that many of these services have in the day to day of their users, by focusing on productivity and communication, this event has caught the attention of those who have been able to verify it.

In some cases, access to services can be achieved intermittently and some of their functions are limited. For example, in Gmail the main problem is the sending of emails, in Drive the major difficulty is around the creation of files, in Meet there have been difficulties to make recordings and in Google Chat the sending of text messages is limited.

More than 4 hours after the fall was reported, Google continues to work on clarifying and resolving the incident. Through G Suite Status Dashboard, an open platform to monitor the status of the services provided by the company, periodic updates of the Google team can be found, who so far claim to continue investigating the problem.

On the Google Services Status Monitor, those who are interrupting are labeled with an orange circle. The table allows you to track these events as a calendar. In the column that groups today’s reports, you can find linked a tab with the detail of the situation of each service, which groups each of the reports issued by the Google team to update the news of the case.

In parallel, there are other alternatives to inspect the status of an online service. A popular option is Downdetector, where the last few hours have also been reported falls from different latitudes.

Just as it usually happens when situations of a similar nature occur with other services, such as social networks or streaming platforms, the fall of these Google services has brought with it a great repercussion, turning Gmail into a trend on Twitter.

Despite the difficulties that this situation could entail for those who use these tools as part of their digital routine, other services of great influx of users, such as YouTube or the same Google search engine, fortunately were not affected by this situation.

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