October 6, 2024

Building a sales project on the social media network is difficult in the beginnings, but with practice you will gain marketing skills and tricks that enable you to keep up with your activity easily, and these skills need a great effort from you to control them because they are the only means that make the customer make a purchase from your store and not From another store, even if the price of the product is relatively different … In the following post, we will share with you some tips that you must take so that you can gain the customer’s convenience.

Give your posts value in order to gain customer confidence

If you wander through the pages of large electronic stores on social media platforms, you will find many advertisements for different products, but check the comments and the number of likes here, the difference will be clear. The large sales companies focus mainly on giving their posts an artistic and aesthetic value in order to enjoy With great turnout and interaction between users, and this is a fundamental incentive to increase the company’s sales because its announcement was met with wide demand …

Well let’s go back and clarify what kind of value we are talking about. In summary, the publications that are very popular are the publications that carry a logical idea about the product and that clearly present the product to the customer. As soon as the customer watches the advertisement of the product, it will be easy for him to identify the feature that he has without ambiguity (the product) and immediately after that he will buy the product.

Also, another issue is the way the product is photographed and displayed, which also plays a role in giving your product an added value so that it receives the attention of the customer.

Detect problems and share solutions

In order to do the sale via social media, you have to prove that you have an awareness and understanding of what the target customer needs or is looking for, and this in itself is a type of commercial targeting, so show that you can understand the problem of the target customer and then present appropriate solutions in a tactful and attentive way. This will also increase customer confidence and add value to your product.

Show the customer you care

Deal with the customer as if he were a beloved friend who came to you in pursuit of a solution, and indeed the solution is in your hands, but before presenting the solution, show the customer an interest in order to be convinced of the solution that you will present to him without requiring you to have an extra effort, and this is because you showed the customer the extent your interest in him … Just do not make your interest in the customer excessive, this may instill doubt in the psyche of the customer and the sale process may fail and also leave the customer a negative image and impression about your way of caring, so explain to your followers the value and benefits provided by your product or service where you can take them behind the scenes while creating a show and telling them what motivated you to create it as a kind of commercial candor, you can also show them how your product or service will improve their situation.

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