October 6, 2024

It seems that the predictions of science fiction movies may soon become a reality, and this is what was revealed by the new news coming from the United States, which indicates that the US Air Force is testing the use of robots in its ranks, which will open the door at a future stage to the use of new items.

According to press reports on the American media, the US Army Air Slug has begun tests on a dog-like robot, which is exactly like the famous Boston Dynamics “Spot” robot, except that it was designed by the American company “Ghost Robotics” and bears the name “Vision 60” .

Sources also indicate that the US Air Force has tested the new Vision 60 robot at a military base in Nevada, and this comes within the framework of the US Army’s experiment with a new project called “Advanced Battle Management System”, which is a project that aims to integrate modern technology in arenas. Fights.

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