July 7, 2024

Since the US President Donald Trump announced his infection with the Coronavirus last weekend, the US President has been subjected to a wave of bullying and hatred that has reached the point of wishing him death from many followers on both Twitter and Facebook, but the two platforms indicated that such behavior It can never be tolerated.

This matter is considered one of the constants of the social networking sites Twitter and Facebook, as they fight together the extremist speech or calling for hate, harm, bullying and other violent behavior, so it was necessary for the two platforms together to confirm their clear position on the matter, especially with the increasing severity of this type of posting after President Donald Trump announced last Friday that he had been infected with covid 19.

Thus, both Twitter and Facebook announced that it is not allowed for users to use speech similar to that, whether it concerns celebrities or ordinary individuals, as Twitter said, “Tweets that wish or hope for death or serious physical harm or fatal disease are not allowed against * anyone * It will be removed.


The same thing was expressed by Facebook through the account of the website spokeswoman, “Liz Bourgeois”, where she said: “To clarify, Facebook is removing death threats or content directed directly to the president who wishes him death, including comments on his page – in addition to the content, that distinguishes him!”.

The two sites are fighting a fierce war on hate speech, bullying, or physical harm to others in recent years.

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