September 19, 2024
Create email accounts with your own domain for free
A few years ago we could use Gmail to create email accounts with our own domain without paying anything, but that changed a long time ago. Solutions in this regard are now more limited.

A few years ago we could use Gmail to create email accounts with our own domain without paying anything, but that changed a long time ago. Solutions in this regard are now more limited.

Today we expand the options with, a solution that allows you to have up to 5 email accounts for free, with the domain we want.

We just have to have a purchased domain, our property, and access, once done, we will configure it so that we can have 2 email accounts with 1 GB of space each and 3 aliases (email accounts without space, but that address the emails to other accounts).

The process is fast, and the service is free, but we can choose to pay $5 per month to double the space and have access to an unlimited number of domains and up to 25 email accounts in each. There is another option, the plus, of 10 dollars a month, that raises the space to 3GB.

It’s not a very large amount of space, but if you redirect it to an existing email account, from gmail, for example, you won’t have to consume space by deleting what’s coming in at the same time that it’s being saved in Gmail for later queries.

A good idea to stop offering business with hotmail or yahoo accounts. Times have changed, and you have to adapt to them.

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