September 19, 2024

The Apple Watch SE smart watch is among the distinctive wearable devices in the market that have a distinguished reputation in the digital world, but this reputation seems to be damaged by the news received in the past period, which indicates that this watch suffers from a technical problem that may be dangerous.

The new reports are coming from South Korea, and the sources say that it is a problem at the level of the Apple Watch SE, which is what causes the watch to overheat while wearing it by users, which may lead to some minor burns on the wrist, which is what six users have indicated. In South Korea, users say that after purchasing the Apple Watch SE they noticed this problem a few days later.

According to the available information, some users also noticed the appearance of burns on the screen of the Apple Watch SE and the appearance of a yellow spot on it, while the watch stopped working for some users, and it seems that the matter has so far been related to a very isolated accident, which is confirmed by the fact that the number of affected users is limited. Very, very specific type of these watches.

And the report, which specializes in Apple issues, “Apple Insider” says that Apple has agreed to compensate two affected Apple Watch SE users.

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