October 5, 2024
Opening Office Files From Google Drive Is Now Much Easier
If you work with Office files from Drive you will be interested to know the new dynamics proposed by Google to make the process much simpler.

If you work with Office files from Drive you will be interested to know the new dynamics proposed by Google to make the process much simpler.

Opening, editing or commenting Microsoft Office files from Google Drive is very easy, just a few clicks and done. And now it’s much simpler thanks to its latest update.

As mentioned by the Google team, it now changes the way you enter Edit Mode in an Office file from the web version of Drive. So far, to open an Office file we have to double-click to preview it to give us a couple of options. From there, we can download the file or go to edit mode.

Now all these steps will no longer be necessary, as with the double-click we will move to edit mode. It’s that simple. And if you have installed the Chrome extension “Office Edition”, then the file will open directly in that interface. Either way, you will save yourself having to select “Open with” when you double click on the file.

And if you want to preview the file, use the right mouse button to view the context menu and choose “Preview”. Or if you like shortcuts, you can press the P key on the keyboard while double-clicking on the file.

And of course, this dynamic won’t work if your Office files are password protected. In this case, you’ll only get the preview.

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