July 7, 2024

The wave of malware plaguing the Android system is not new news, as it has long been known that hundreds and thousands of apps have been removed from the Play Store because they are classified as malicious, the worrying thing about this is that the problem is renewed from time to time. In fact, it has been indicated that at least 7% of the apps in the Play Store have malicious backgrounds, and on this occasion the report includes a list of 14 Android apps that you should quickly delete, because they may steal your money.

Unfortunately, many users are having a harder time avoiding this kind of danger from Google Play, as the protection company Sophos has provided a list of applications available for Android devices that deceive users into expensive subscription services, and as mentioned in GadgetsNow these applications called “Fleeceware” make users They inadvertently buy application subscriptions through the authority granted to these applications to extract these subscriptions legally, given that the customer accepts the malicious subscription terms on the terms and conditions pages without reading them during the application installation process on the phone and thus losing hundreds of dollars incredibly, and at first glance 20 apps of this type were discovered in the Google Play Store although some of them have been removed but 14 others are currently still available for download.

The report shares an example of several tower apps trying to get users to buy subscriptions for over $ 70 a week, how do they do that? The strange thing is that the process is not executed when performing this purchase step when pressing the subscription button as it is customary, but it is activated when the “back” button is pressed on the phone, and here is the complete list of the fourteen Android applications that must be removed from your phone. :

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So, check if you have any of these apps installed on your mobile device, and delete them to keep your smartphone and money in your bank account safe.

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