September 19, 2024

The Internet is the largest source for viruses and malware of all kinds, as many rely on it to place viruses on their sites or spy on users, which requires caution while browsing and checking the sites that we open before entering and downloading them, according to The Markup Foundation Nonprofit for investigative journalism, we found that many sites secretly record the way you move the mouse or the writing that you enter on the computer keyboard, and it is the hidden technology that allows companies to know who you are and what you like and even the secrets they are looking for on the Internet, in order to sell them to companies Ads so you can customize the appearance of ads with high accuracy and sell services.

In return, Surya Mattu created the Blacklight tracker detector whose intent was not only to stop intrusion on the websites you visit, but to find out what exactly happens when you visit sites using the default Google Chrome, the popular browser called “spyware.” As he put it.

The tool that The Markup took 18 months to create, and it is a free tool that enables you to scan websites to check for potential privacy violations while you browse the sites that you visit, and the tool named Blacklight reveals the tracking methods that are relied upon in any site , Including the approved methods to thwart the personal protection means that the visitor installs in his browser.

 Surya Mattu, designer of the tool, says, “… we examined more than just a site, and using Blacklight we found that more than 12,000 websites have a script that allows viewing and recording all user interactions on pages, including scrolling and mouse movements.”

This examination, which included more than 80 thousand sites classified in order according to the famous classification site Tranco, through which Mattu reached the fact that only 13% of these sites did not plant any tools for tracking and tracking users, as opposed to 15% of them installed a technology called “Session recorders”, and its function is to record video clips of your traffic while browsing the site, and 4% of them record all the keys that you have typed in the forms and boxes designated for writing even without pressing the send button, and 74% of websites have installed Google’s tracking technology known as “google analytics”, 33% based on Facebook’s Facebook Pixel feature.

And you can verify the intention of each site yourself before accessing it through the same tool through this link

, to get an immediate reading of all the methods and means that it teaches about you in order to track all your movements on the site, and you have the choice after that to browse it.

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