September 20, 2024

Snooping on others and preserving the integrity of the personal data and information on our computer is the priority of every person who takes his personal data very seriously and is afraid of its leakage, and Microsoft, the developer of the Windows 10 operating system, provides encryption tools built into the system that allow for co-operative encryption tools. And securing it with a password, and the step of protecting files and folders with a single password is one of the best ways to prevent others from accessing sensitive information. Theft or hacking, and on the other hand, there are many external programs and tools that help to add a new layer of security and safety of personal data, and folder locking programs are an integrated solution to preserve your photo and video files by locking them or encrypting them and also Make a backup copy of it and others, and in this explanation we will share with you a very wonderful tool that makes the files stored in your USB key completely invisible in addition to protecting them with a specific password. With a simple and easy-to-use user interface, the idea of ​​the tool is simple. Let’s assume that you have a flash that contains very important image and video files that you do not want to see anyone. Through the tool, you can protect this flash using a PIN code. Anyone can access your files without knowing the password, thus preventing the disclosure of the confidential data stored on the flash in the event of it being stolen or lost.

The program is completely free. It does not encrypt files like in other programs, but rather makes them invisible in a way that ensures that no party can see them, and the way to use the tool is simple. You only need to first make sure that your usb key supports FAT32 technology, after that you will download the tool from Here and then you copy and paste it into your flash drive, of course after connecting it to the computer, and then you click on the tool, and an interface will appear where you will enter your password consisting of numbers only, and then you click on the “LOCK” option All your files will be disappeared.

In case you want to view these files again, you click on the USBLockit file and after entering your password, then press “UNLOCK” to restore the files again.

If you connect the USB key with your phone using an OTG cable and you want to view these files, just download the tool’s version on the Android application from this link, and it also allows you to cancel the protection of the lock and access the files on the phone easily.

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